Animated Mr. Bean - Noisy Neighbour

Poor Mr. Bean can never seem to catch a break. In this animated episode titled "Neighbourly Bean", all he wants to do is watch his cartoon in peace and quiet. Unfortunately for Mr. Bean, his neighbours won't let this happen. They are being just too noisy, even after asking them to keep the noise down. With the mother blasting her stereo, the father using a hammer, the daughter playing trombone, the son playing the drums, the baby crying, and the dog barking, it's no wonder Mr. Bean can't hear his cartoon.

In the end, Mr. Bean does not get the opportunity to enjoy his cartoon, but he does get the last laugh as he devises a clever plan for revenge on his noisy neighbours. Watch this episode, Mr Bean - Noisy Neighbour, to find out how Mr. Bean finally gets even with his neighbours in classic Bean fashion. Based on the famous Rowan Atkinson character.