Short Definition of Practical Joke

A practical joke is a type of physical related joke that involves material or parts of the body instead of written and verbal joke. The person doing the practical joke is called practical joker. Practical jokes normally cause embarrassment, confusion, discomfort or perplexity to the victim.
On this video, the practical joker is the man with tear or ripped pants at the back showing his butt. This practical joke works with the help of the woman sitting behind the man or from the other side bench. The victim would be the person who will sit beside the man with tear pants. 

The joke begins as soon as the man stood up and woman tears a piece of cloth to make the sound. Afterwards, the joker will walk away to the direction where the victim is facing to let her or him see the torn pants and butt. This makes the victim laughs without knowing that it is part of the plan. As soon as the victim stood up, the woman behind him will tear another cloth to make a sound, which is the partner of the joker. This is to let the victim knows that he or she has torn pants as well but in fact, there isn’t.